Our Victorian Health Consumer Engagement Leadership Programs are an umbrella name for three

  • Consumer Engagement Practitioners Network
  • Consumer Partners Network
  • Consumer Partners Mentoring Program

The art and science of consumer engagement in health is complex and continually evolving. Health Issues Centre has been leading in this space for nearly 40 years. Over a program of 10 sessions, Network members will access high-quality, expert training and learning experiences to grow and evolve their skills and practice.

There will also be group coaching sessions that will provide an opportunity for common issues to be raised and solved. With leadership from Health Issues Centre, you will be guided to transform the way all the players in the health system partner together meaningfully to improve health outcomes.

Group mentoring brings together individuals and lets them learn, share and develop together. Mentees who have been part of this program in the past reported many benefits ranging from the positive impact of sharing personal experiences and connecting with others, to feeling valued, validated and more confident. Mentees develop skills in boundary-setting, personal advocacy skills, and influencing their organisation to improve the way they engage with consumers. Skilled and confident consumers can have a positive impact on championing and building strong consumer engagement across their organisation.

Any staff memberThe Network would suit people in roles such as:
• Community Engagement Manager
• Consumer Partnership Officer
• Director Patient Experience and Consumer Engagement
• Quality & Safety Manager
• Lived Experience Program Manager
• Consumer Experience Lead
• Researcher
working in a consumer engagement role, or with an interest in embedding consumer engagement in their practice, in the Victorian healthcare system can join the Consumer Engagement Practitioners Network.

Any consumer engaged with a health and community services (e.g. hospitals), advocacy organisations, research institutions, government and aged care providers in Victorian can apply for the Consumer Partners Network or Consumer Partners Mentoring Program.

Check out our handy graphic showing the eligibility for each program here.

Organisations have a responsibility to support the professional development of the people who work for and contribute to them. We encourage you to speak to your organisation about sponsoring your place on your preferred network or program.

If you need support around approaching your organisation about participating in the programs, we are here to help. Please email training@hic.org.au.

You do have the option to self-fund a place on the program, however, we understand that is not feasible for many people.

The programs are open to practitioners and consumers involved in any aspect of the healthcare system, including health and community services (e.g. hospitals), advocacy organisations, research institutions, government and aged care providers.

Please register via this link. Once a membership is purchased by an organisation, it can nominate its recipient.

If a member leaves their sponsoring organisation or is no longer able to participate in the program, the membership can be transferred to another recipient. A membership cannot be shared among employees/consumers.

The Consumer Engagement Practitioners Network and Consumer Partners Network are open to approximately 35 members each.

The Consumer Partners Mentoring Program is capped at 30 places to ensure each consumer mentor has a small group of no more than 4 to 5 mentees and we can provide the best possible support.

The programs will commence in February 2024 and conclude in November 2024. There will be 10 monthly sessions, approximately 1.5 hours each.

The networks will take place online via Zoom.

Prior to kick-off, members will be asked to complete a training needs assessment which will inform the learning program.

A training facilitator will conduct each session and all materials will be provided. Health Issues Centre will also provide secretariat support, liaison with network/program members and their sponsor organisations, as well as any ad-hoc support.

In a nutshell, you just have to show up to the meetings.

Mentors and their mentee groups will meet online at a time each month that is convenient for the group. The mentors will facilitate the 10 mentoring sessions.

Before kick-off, mentees will have an intake meeting via phone or Zoom with the program coordinator from Health Issues Centre to identify learning and development goals.

There will be a hybrid in-person and online celebration event at the conclusion of the program.

Mentors are provided with training and coaching throughout the program to ensure they have the skills and support to deliver a high-quality mentoring experience to mentees.

Mentees will need to do some work outside of meetings. This includes actioning the steps they develop with their mentors to achieve their learning goals.

All network meetings will be recorded and can be provided to members to watch at their leisure.

If you are working in a consumer engagement/support role, the Consumer Engagement Practitioners Network is the one for you.

If you are a consumer, you can technically participate in both the Consumer Partners Network and the Consumer Partners Mentoring Program if you can commit to two 1.5-hour monthly sessions, plus extra sessions as outlined above. However, please note that the Consumer Partners Mentoring Program is best suited to emerging or evolving consumers, so more experienced consumers are encouraged to join the Consumer Partners Network.

The Consumer Engagement Practitioners Network and Consumer Partners Network are priced at $1,500 for a one-year membership into either Network (early-bird price valid until 8 December 2023). The full price applicable after this date is $1,700.

The Consumer Partners Mentoring Program is priced at $2,000 for a one-year membership.

This cost covers 10 professional development sessions and all the resources you will need to take part.

The networks/program we are offering have 10 meetings spread throughout the year, building on each other and creating a momentum for consumer and consumer engagement practice that has real potential to transform the health sector.

Health Issues Centre will conduct formal training sessions, run group mentoring to address common issues and provide secretariat support, alleviating this burden on the membership.

The programs are filling a gap by providing a unique professional development opportunity for consumers and consumer engagement staff, thereby saving costs for the sponsoring organisation in the future.

Please contact Training on training@hic.org.au. or (03) 8676 9050.

To register for the programs, visit here.